Research & Publications
Towards Building American Indians’ Futures: The Chicago American Indian Community Collaborative’s 2020 Report on Education & COVID-19 Related Data
CAICC’s recent report on Education and COVID-19. Ultimately, CAICC sees this report as one way to disrupt the far too common deficit narratives related to community organizations serving American Indians. In doing so, we hope to paint not only a more remarkably beautiful but also a more accurate portrayal of the ways in which urban American Indian focused organizations, particularly in Chicago, work successfully to nurture its resilient community. The report highlights the importance of data and data-driven decision making for American Indian community organizations. Our own communities are a rich source of information that can inform new, more precise interventions and encourage community collaboration.
Adversity and Resiliency for Chicago’s First: The State of Racial Justice for American Indian Chicagoans
Although Native American Chicagoans play a central role in the social fabric of the city, relatively little attention has been directed to documenting the experiences of racial discrimination and inequities for Native American Chicagoans. In this report, we examine the state of racial justice for Native Americans in Chicago.
This report by the University of Illinois Chicago’s Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy is organized across five substantive areas, Population, Housing, (Mis)Representations of American Indians in Popular Culture, Education, Economics, and Justice, each focusing on a different aspect of racial equity. In each section, they draw on available data to describe the current conditions and experiences of Native American Chicagoans, including areas where they are thriving and areas where they are negatively affected by the legacy of racial exclusion as well as ongoing discrimination.